How - sheens comes home with full of complaints of her school life... Here's the list:
**Her best friends have decided to immortalised themselves on her cell phone - oops sorry Hazique decides to immortalised Sheens best friends - so he replaces Swetha who became Swetha My Saviour, somebody called Ming Yao (earlier blog remember) became Ming Yao My Hero and Hazique became Hazique The Great then he realised not personal enough - so it was changed to Hazique My Best Buddy. Sheens is just rolling her eyes and I offered to change it to Friend #1, Friend #2 & Friend #3. She rolls her eyes more saying then Hazique will fight over who is #1, 2 or 3!
**Valentine's Day - Swetha & Sheens played a prank by requesting a song and dedicated to Hazique - Song entitled "Superstar". Sheens is like instead of acting cool about it - he got worked up wanting to know who had requested the song and got TOTAL hyper about it. Cheap thrill in a child's life - but hei - come to think of it - even at my age I would get hyper and would want to find out who was it who dedicated the song to me.
**It was Ming Yao birthday today. So she went shopping for a gift for him. She went thru 5 malls and was totally tired of walking. Her complain - Mummy I spent $xx on Hazique present so I need to match the same for Ming Yao. I need to buy more stuff for Ming Yao besides the billybong bag. Give me ideas - yeah Sheens - you rejected all my ideas - my ideas are old fashion is wat you said - remember. (I am rolling my eyes now)
**She had to attend an interview for Pre U seminar. Guess wat - she forgets. Sends me an sms saying how useless and good for nothing she is. Of course I went into panic mode with the suicide rate amongst kids. Of course I convince her she's perfect and after numerous sms-es - I end up being called useless and very mean. Hazique The Great is more sympathetic. Aiyo!
**Her history teacher says she has been missing classes and complains to the disciplinary master and her form teacher that Sheena bunked 2 classes. Oh god, she got wild. She even went to the teacher and showed her notes and described incidents on what happened during the lesson. Teacher excuse is - I did not see you. So I will mark you absent. Life's not fair - yes baby we all know that - life is just not fair. Convo ended with teacher saying I will be calling your mom - sheens with full attitude - PLEASE DO!
**Last complain - can you please update your blog. Everyone is complaining there is nothing happening in your life.
Yes beta - your wish is my command - Here is the update from the grouchy and irritated baby of mine!
But I still love her.
Thank god my Nisha is very mild and calm and trouble-free! Thank you god!
Pictures: After the above story - we need a face to relate the names to. So here goes. Here's Sheena, Swetha & Archana during their Saree Nite. The 3 perfect angels. They looked gorgeous and will definately grow up to be lovely ladies.

And of course - The Great Hazique & some guy called Ming Yao

Haha! Well i totally agree with u on the ming yao's bday thing. She kept on rejectiny my ideas too! And didnt seem enthusiastic! And was i was symphatetic on the pre u thing? Haha maybe its because i was having a bad day too :P And of course I'd want to know who sent the dedication!!!Thank goodness u understood that! Hahaha...And sheens claims that if i did the same to her, she wouldn't mind. As if! Hahaha ok that's all i've gottasay. haz.
Haha! Well i totally agree with u on the ming yao's bday thing. She kept on rejectiny my ideas too! And didnt seem enthusiastic! And was i was symphatetic on the pre u thing? Haha maybe its because i was having a bad day too :P And of course I'd want to know who sent the dedication!!!Thank goodness u understood that! Hahaha...And sheens claims that if i did the same to her, she wouldn't mind. As if! Hahaha ok that's all i've gottasay. haz.
Sha - sheens is just like you - ditto copy - you complain like crazy too when it suits you. And when it gets too much - you cry. I just hope she doesn't cry. Nice to know your child is turning out to be mini shalini!:)
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