Was busy catching up with the girls, clubbing, playing pool and shopping. Daily routine use to be club till 4-5am, come home and eat supper, sleep and be awake by 11am to go shopping. Back by 7 pm and then hit the clubs again by 11pm.

Highlights –
* Jeeya being picked up in the clubs (why me was her mantra every night)
* Me playing pool and winning quite a few games – considering I don’t know how to play pool
* Me getting hysterical at the pool table – crying, laughing and splitting out water from the mouth while trying to control the laughter
* All of us getting drunk and high 4 nights in a row
* Miki sleep walking and deciding to sleep on the floor in front of the toilet
* Jeeya sleep walking and just going round and round the kitchen, hall and bedroom
* Shopping and more shopping till we dropped – see the dark circles under my eye.

* Went wild buying t-shirts for the gang
* Eating good home cook meal 4 times a day – breakfast, lunch, dinner and after clubbing supper. Though I still don’t understand why we cant have dhal for 2 days in a row for both lunch & dinner?!
* Arguing with a drunk Ayub every night about how I should sleep in his room while he takes the couch. In hindsight, I should have just recorded the convo on my hp and played it out every nite
* The foot massages were to die for!
After distributing all the gifts I bought in Bangkok, I realize besides 2 tops – I bought nothing for myself!!!
I need another trip!
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