Kids - they decide who and what you are everyday!
I became a Clingy MOM today...
Nisha left on Nov 14 for her annual delhi trip to my ex inlaws place. First it showed how comfy she was and also how well she has adjusted to the family. Sheens was not going till Dec and yet Nisha was clear that she wanted to go "home" regardless of Sheens being there or not. The first few days I missed her like crazy and call her at least 3 times everyday. I use to wake up saying I wonder how she's doing. And sheens use to say "Oh Grandma starved her and she's dead' or "She's been kidnapped" and the best being "Oh my grandparents sold her off as a slave" and gives me that wierd horrific look - Grow up MOM. I know Nish not my birth daughter but I can't help it if I feel/care so strongly for her.
Sheens left last nite for London. And guess wat - after 15 hours i broke down. This is the first time I never had any sms or call from Sheen for such a long long time. We talk (either sms or phone convo) every few hours wen she's in sin or in india.
First time for 15 hours no news - no convo - no sms.
I freaked out - i started crying. Called Parul and she did not pick up the phone. Called Victor he did not pick up the phone. Called Rakhee next and thank god she picked up the phone and told me to not worry, she's safe and in a flight. Of course she's safe and on a flight! But that "lost" feeling is persisting. I calmed down a bit though.
Kathryne came over to keep me company till sheens calls me. And victor called finally and made full fun of me. Let go - stop being a clingy mom. What happens if she goes away for a weekend with her bf in future or if she elopes. To which my reply was I will pick you up and we will hunt her down - period. No two ways about it.
Finally sheens calls after 18.45 hours. She's ok. A bit cheesed off that her brand new winter jacket's belt has gone missing. It fell off somewhere.
She's ok - and I'm ok now. Victor came over then to take me out for dinner. I had no mood to eat earlier but since Sheens had called, Victor says you will eat now.
For all his bravado and macho exterior - he cares about me and is a true true friend. He came over as soon as he was free, and kept a tab on me till sheens called and finally insisted I eat and took me and Kat to Chicken Rice.
And today I gain the title - Clingy Mom!
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