Its the june school holidays for both Sheens and Nisha. I remember my earlier school holidays being running around in the kampong with all the kampong kids, my 3 other siblings - creating rucus and chasing chickens all around. Becoming filthy with dirt and sometimes "dungs", torn clothes at times, coming home and getting thrashing from mom for creating such a rucus. We were considered naughty kids.
Then we moved to a HDB flat and met new friends. Their idea of fun was exploring the "longkangs". We would form a team, go down the longkangs to catch the drain fishes, and compete who had the most fishes and whose fishes lived longer. And of course the badminton games, the catching game, the 5-stones game, basically in the playground from morning till dusk - where every kid from the neighbouring blocks will be present.
Now lets move to modern times ie today. My kids holidays have always been a family trip to somewhere - anywhere but somewhere out of Singapore. I used to take them to genting for the longest time until they outgrew them. We started going phuket, bangkok, even Krabi last year!
And this year - guess what we are doing???
NOWHERE - NOTHING - NADA - kids are studying for their exams. Sheens has got mid-year exam once school re-opens and nisha failed her maths, hence major revision going on. They having tuition and are busy studying - arghhh.
They not even keen to watch movies - I am eagerly waiting for the kungfu Panda releasing on 6th June, and they can't be bothered! "You go Mom" with that look in the face saying - please act your age mom and not your shoe size!
But I must say - Sheens is back for a month. Been taking half days off work, to sit at home and spend time with her. The house is livelier and merrier I must say. So what if we do not have an "international" holiday - but the family is together - and I guess thats more important... And yes, we are using our new dining table and spending time eating together as a family...
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