Now coming from a dysfunctional family, for me to understand and appreciate mother's day was non-existent in the beginning. But over the years, with sheens and nisha's love, i started to appreciate it. Motherhood is a thank-less job and but i really do look forward to that one day - where the kids buy me my favourite carrot cake, soya bean drink and a single rose. And dinner at a nice restaurant in the evening.
But alas - this mother's day was really disappointing. Sheens left on sat nite to stay with her dad - since he is having a crisis and needed her. Nisha was totally clueless and did nothing. It was just another normal sun with sheens calling me to wish me a happy mother's day on the phone. Nisha did not even bother!
I must say i am totally disappointed. You do so much and yet they can't just spend one day with me pampering me? But then the crisis with Tinku was genuine too. And nisha? Is she not my daughter? Arghh
The only consolation was - the sms from friends around the globe wishing me a happy mother's day, Sunil popping over to say hi and Gana offered this morning to take me out for dinner since the kids neglected me at my favourite chicken rice stall.
Plus i know the kids love me - their world starts and ends with ME. Right?
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